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Glitch Project Brainstorm

For my This Dystopia Sucks! Project, I plan on making my focus revolve around the societal issue of drugs and the recent surge in fentanyl deaths. This has become a more and more prevalent problem in the recent years; overdoses from fentanyl have accounted for nearly half of all drug ‘poisoning’ deaths in 2021 — on average, more than two people a day die from the drug in Colorado. This issue has also affected my personal life as well.

For my glitches, I plan on taking pictures of colorful pills and other related images and then mainly glitching them through TextEdit and Audacity. Audacity is probably my favorite glitch platform we have used thus far; I enjoy the visual glitches more and I feel like I have a little bit more control. Some of my inspiration for this project comes from Damien Hirst’s pill cabinet piece. I am not quite sure how I want to edit the images to paint a picture to help resolve the issue, however, my main goal is to spread awareness. My end goal is to create a series that is visually pleasing to the eye, yet also spreading awareness and letting people know that this is a real problem in today’s society.


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