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Project 4 Brainstorm

For my fourth and final project, I am focusing my digital performance on a theme revolving around love through music and art. After playing with the software the first day, I immediately fell in love. It definitely took me a moment to get a hang of all the effects, especially while performing it live. The addition of the mini mixing board with the turn-knobs, key board, and bigger buttons, made it so much easier for me to transition the effects smoothly. By assigning the same effect to the same knob or button each time, I was able to start memorizing the motions, which made live performing seamlessly.

My original idea is to find an old tv from Goodwill or even the street, and spray paint either just the screen white or the entire tv box white. My goal is to projection map my digital performance onto the old TV screen. I am going to implement my theme by using symbols and colors of love, while mixing in music and art. I am traveling to Palm Springs for Coachella, an art & music festival, in a couple days and I plan on getting lots of inspiration for this project. My end goal is to produce a digital performance based off my theme, that you could see playing at a concert where the music and visuals coexist.

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