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Virtual Reality Final Project

For my final virtual reality project, I created a Lisa Frank theme park. I created this environment specifically for my two blender creatures that couldn’t be happy with their new home. My goal was to create a very vibrant and colorful space with objects floating around and I feel like I succeeded.

I think it is safe to say that I enjoyed using Glitch for this project, however, it was not my favorite. I have prior experience with coding HTML and CSS so this was not foreign for me. I was able to set up basic shapes, change their colors and sizes, and more. It was definitely difficult at times because my code would break or something would not work. There were times when I uploaded assets and copied and pasted the code verbatim, yet it still would not work. My biggest struggle I would say was uploading the videosphere where it would consistently show up. Sometimes it would work perfectly and then without changing anything, would just stop working. I enjoyed the introduction of the environment effects, however, it did not work as well with my world. My videosphere was one of the main aspects for my virtual reality and the environment would have taken that away, so I did not use that.

Overall, I am content with my project. I wish I added a couple extra shapes or elements, but in conclusion, my VR worked on my phone and acted as a real virtual reality.

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